Tuesday, May 1, 2012


So I finally decided that I can taking a summer class.  I wasn't to hip on it, but it is only one day a week so that made it better.  My friends and I have so many plans for this summer, and it makes me so excited.  I honestly just cant wait to have my best friend back in town with me.  Even though we will both be working and taking summer classes, we have the evenings off and also the weekends.  We plan on going to Chicago this summer which I can so excited for because I have never been to Chicago.  Also, her family goes to Florida every year, and I will be joining again just like last year.  I just have a feeling that this summer is going to go by way to fast.

What has influenced you?

The biggest thing that has influenced me the most would be where and how I was raised.  I am so thankful that I had a loving and caring family growing up, that fought for what they deserved.  I was raised in the small town of Freeburg and I am so glad that it wasn't anywhere else.  Going to school and living in Freeburg definitely had its bad days but I think that is just because of the girls at the school. I can definitely tell you though, that if it wasn't for them I for sure would not be who I am today.  Also, I could not thank my parents enough for raising me the way they did.  when I start a family someday, I hope that I can raise my child how I was raise.  I am a very family oriented person and they are my support system.  Where and how I was raised has definitely influenced me in my life. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

In a blink of an eye

I can't believe that this semester is almost to an end.  It seems like just last week that we were starting this semester.  The older I get the faster life seems to be moving.  I would love to just be able to go back to when I was little when life was so carefree.  But this just proves to live everyday to the fullest, because before you know it, its going to be over.

Go Cards!

Next Tuesday I am going to the Cardnials game with a coule of my friends from high school that I don't really get to see much anymore.  I am so excited to not only see them, but also to go to the game.  I love going to baseball games! I haven't been to a game this season yet, but it is only the beginning.  Last season my family and I always went to games and I am looking forward to going to more this season!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

If I didn't have to work...

Well to start off, I know I would not be as stressed about anything in life if I didn't have to work.  Even though I enjoy my job a lot, it is still a lot to handle with going to school.  If I didn't have to work that would mean that I would have plenty of money to get me through the rest of my life with everything I wanted.  If I didn't have to work I would definitely volunteer my time at Children's Hospital to help with the sick children.  Even though that is what I am going to school now and to make money doing, I would still do it do it if I didn't have to make money.  But not working is not an option for me.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Wisdom Teeth

Last Thursday I had to get my wisdom teeth out because they have been bothering me.  I was so nervous because I had never had a "scheduled" surgery before.  The only surgery I have had done is on my ankle because I broke it.  Thursday morning I was sick to my stomach with nerves because of all the horrible stories I  have heard about it.  After the surgery was done, I realized it wasn't that bad.  I wasn't really sore or hurting yet because I had pain medicine to take before it started hurting.  Friday morning when I woke up I was really sore and swollen but I just rested the whole day.  Saturday I felt better but was just aggravated because it was nice outside and I wanted to be doing something other than watch television and I was hungry for some solid food.  After thinking back now, I really had nothing to worry about.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I seriously cannot wait for summer!  School has been so stressful this summer and I can't wait for a break.  Even though I will be working almost everyday this summer, it will still be nice. I'm glad that my job isn't one that I am stuck inside bored all day.  I can't wait to go swimming and to the zoo this summer! I'm still a kid at heart I feel like, but hey at least it's fun!